If the third time’s the charm, odds are good Dakota Gray will walk away with the W at Fight For It XII. Of course, weighing a wager on the advice of an old adage is risky business, but the Lake Norman Muay Thai prospect — despite an 0-2 record — has shown his ability to remain calm under pressure, trade heavy blows, and keep a strong defense over the course of a full bout.
These fundamental skills, plus his in-ring experience, do bode well as Lake Norman Muay Thai’s Gray takes on his third bout. The three-inch height advantage he’ll have over Alijah Webb doesn’t hurt, either.
But never underestimate the underdog. Webb took on the challenge on late notice, following a cancellation. For a debut, it’s a bold move, so expect Webb to walk into the ring with confidence. Fighting out of Ring Combat Sports in Whytheville, Va., a proven gym for turning out strong competitors across martial arts disciplines, Webb has a strong pedigree in his corner.
Either way, you can be sure both young men will be hungry for victory. Expect a high-energy bout with both fighters putting it all on the line.
Fight For It XII takes place on Dec. 18 in Gaffney, S.C. Purchase your tickets now at fightforitcompany.com.
Be sure to download the Fight For It app on on The App Store or Google Play to pick your fantasy winners at Fight For It XI. The pool is free to play and will award the top three scorers with their share of a $500 cash prize.