“Fighting For Legacy: The Jonathan Stamey Story”

Jonathan Stamey’s journey into the world of martial arts and business is deeply intertwined with his passion for the sport and a clear vision of entrepreneurship. It all began when a pivotal moment in boxing history sparked something within him. Watching Diego Chico Corrales’ legendary 10th round against José Luis Castillo left an indelible mark on Jonathan. At just 22 years old, he knew that he had to find a way to be a part of this world.

His entrepreneurial spirit was nurtured during his college years, largely influenced by the classic book *Rich Dad Poor Dad*, gifted by his stepmother. While his first venture didn’t succeed due to a lack of essential skills in sales and marketing, it didn’t deter him. What followed was an unexpected 18-year detour—an obsession with boxing that ultimately shaped the course of his professional life.

Jonathan had always been fascinated by the idea of building a vertically integrated company, and it was this vision that led him to transition from owning a gym to running a fight promotion. He made a key connection early on with Marcelo Rodriguez, who had significant experience in the local fight scene. Marcelo became an essential partner, and together, they began to shape what would eventually become *Fight For It*.

Jonathan’s drive to create a unique fight promotion wasn’t just about business—it was about promoting fighters and building a brand where the athletes themselves were the lifeblood. His meticulous attention to detail, paired with a dedication to the fighters, is what he believes sets *Fight For It* apart. However, he acknowledges that it’s a constant work in progress.

One of the standout moments in Jonathan’s career came when *The Ultimate Fighter* reached out to feature highlights of Bryan Battle, one of *Fight For It*’s alumni, on national television. It was a sign that their work was resonating beyond just local audiences. Though feedback from municipalities hasn’t yet returned to them in full force, Jonathan is confident in the economic footprint *Fight For It* leaves behind in every town it visits.

The *Fight For It* team is tight-knit and crucial to the promotion’s success. Marcelo Rodriguez handles matchmaking, Jason McGhinnis ensures the production’s magic, Josh Crouch manages fighter relations, and Greg Albuquerque, Jonathan’s assistant, plays a versatile role in filling various gaps. Additionally, there’s a broader network of contractors handling design, marketing, media, and event logistics.

In its infancy, Marcelo’s pre-existing relationships were key to attracting top-tier gyms and athletes. Over time, *Fight For It*’s reputation in the Carolinas has grown, helping it maintain strong ties to high-performance gyms.

As for the future, Jonathan has set his sights on filling weight divisions with champions, both in men’s and women’s categories. While some divisions are harder to fill than others, the recent focus on professional divisions has been exciting. Prominent names like Jonathan Martin, Trukon Carson, and Aaron Chambers have become champions in their respective divisions, and there’s growing anticipation for the upcoming bout between Shameek Harvey and David Wilson for the 125lb title.

Looking ahead, Jonathan remains open to the possibility of joining platforms like UFC Fight Pass. However, he’s also laying the groundwork for *Fight For It+*, a platform that could become a unique digital space for the promotion’s fans. As *Fight For It* continues to grow, Jonathan’s vision and passion remain at the heart of its success, with exciting possibilities on the horizon.